EEMCS Photoshop Workshop

About this event

Connection Committee
Date and time
Apr 9, 2024 17:45 - 21:30
Carré 2K

Have you ever wanted to make that one photo just a bit nicer, or make that perfect sticker of a friend? Then this is your chance!!

With this course we will show you the basics on how to use photoshop.

Before going please make sure that you have a version of Photoshop installed. You can for example use the free trial version 

Date: 9 April 2024
Food: around 8 to 9 euros for pizza, max prize 9 euros
Time: Food 17.45
18.45 start course

Type of pizzas: 

  • Pizza Margaritha
  • Pizza Perfect Pepperoni
  • Pizza Funghi
  • Pizza Salami
  • Pizza Vegan Margaritha